Rev. Sandra Kline-Mortimer, Vicar
"I am the bread of life; they who come to me shall not hunger, and
they who believe in me
shall never thirst."
John 6: 35
Location & Church Service
9 Maple Ave., Smithsburg, MD 21783
304 - 261-2820
(Vicar's office)
Holy Eucharist - Sunday 10 a.m.
Fellowship immediately following the service
Handicapped Accessible
For over 150 years, St. Anne's Episcopal Church has brought people together to worship God.
Steeped in tradition, and nestled in the heart of historic Smithsburg, Maryland, St. Anne's is one of the rare churches that both honors the past and looks to the future.
We are open, Christ-centered, affirming and child-friendly. If you are searching for a church home - we hope you will visit us soon. There is a warm welcome waiting for you......