U.S. Mail Address
P.O. Box 177
Smithsburg,MD 21783
Email - asksaintannes@outlook.com
9 Maple Ave., Smithsburg, MD 21783.
What time does service start?
Service begins at 10 a.m. each Sunday morning.
Are families with small children welcome?
Absolutely! We are a family-friendly congregation! Your are welcome to keep your babies and children with you throughout the service. We also have Sunday School for school age children. ( No nursery)
What should I expect when I visit St. Anne' s Church?
You should expect a warm friendly greeting, and a traditional Episcopal service, followed by fellowship and refreshments in the Parish House. As one parishioner so eloquently remarked: ''Before church we speak to God, during the service God speaks to us, and after the service we speak with each other."
If I have never been to an Episcopal service, how will I know what to do?
We understand that not everyone who visits our church will be familiar with the service. It is okay if you choose to observe a few services before participating. We do distribute a bulletin on Sunday with the order of worship which includes the page numbers where the various parts of the service are located. We utilize the "Book of Common Prayer" ( a red book found in the pew rack), the 1982 Episcopal Hymnal, and often the LEVAS songbook. If you ever find yourself lost at any point, the person next to you will be more then happy to help. We love having visitors and will do all we can to make you feel comfortable .
Who is allowed to take Holy Communion?
Everyone is invited to take Communion at St. Anne's. If you do not wish to take communion you may stay seated, or come the altar for a blessing. Children are also invited to share communion and join us after Children's Christian Education in time to participate. (If you feel your child is too young to understand Communion, you may choose to bring him or her to the altar to receive a blessing.)
How can I get involved with St. Anne's?
We always welcome the gift of our members' time and talent in many areas of our church life, such as:
Acolyte, Altar Guild, Lay Reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), Fellowship Hour Host/Hostess, Community Outreach, Advisory Board Member, Children's Christian Education Teacher, Teller, Bulletin Preparation, Usher and Property care. We also have many functions during the year that require volunteer assistance ( i.e - gardening, , seasonal decorating, outside and inside organization, etc.).
Is Saint Anne's Church Handicapped Accessible?
Yes, our church building has a wide inclined walkway to the entrance and the Parish House has ramped entry as well as a handicap accommodating restroom. We have reserved parking spaces in our parking lot.